Organised Conferences

[Upcoming] [working title] Digital Exile Literature

Berlin, 2025 (tba)

(Co-organised with Anna Kinder and Sandra Richter (both Deutsches Literaturarchiv Marbach))

[Upcoming] Annual Conference of the Cluster of Excellence "Temporal Communities"

Berlin, 2025 (tba)

(Co-organised with Research Area 5 at Temporal Communities)

Jahrestagung des Arbeitskreises "Politische Ästhetiken"

Literaturforum im Brecht-Haus, Berlin, 22.-23. Mai 2025

(Co-organised with Charlotte Rathjen, Christian Hippe, Florian Kappeler)

Games Canon & Games History

Workshop in cooperation with the DLA Marbach, Freie Universität Berlin, AG Games und Universität Freiburg, 13. Februar 2024

(Co-organised with Anna Kinder and Andreas Rauscher)

Krieg und Frieden in der Literatur und anderen Medien

Nachwuchstagung der Deutschen Schillergesellschaft, German Literature Archive Marbach, 23.-24. November 2023

(Co-organised with Junge Deutsche Schillergesellschaft)

Literature Data and Digital Literature

International summer school of the Marbach Weimar Wolfenbüttel Research Association, German Literature Archive Marbach, 31. Juli - 11. August 2023

(Co-organised with Anna Kinder, Felix Dieterle, Rebecca Sturm, all DLA Marbach)

Games & Literature

International and interdisciplinary conference, German Literature Archive Marbach, 28.-30. Juni 2023

(Co-organised with Anna Kinder, in cooperation with EFGAMP e.V., DIGAREC, Computer Games Museum Berlin)

(Literarische) Einsamkeitsreflexionen

Nachwuchstagung der Deutschen Schillergesellschaft, German Literature Archive Marbach, 3.-4. November 2022

(Co-organised with Viola Völlm, Martin Kuhn, Felix Lempp, Nadine Redmer, Merisa Taranis, Dominik Wabersich)

Games: Collecting, Archiving, Accessibility

Workshop in cooperation with the Foundation for Digital Games Culture, German Literature Archive Marbach, 24. Juni 2022

(Co-organised with Anna Kinder, DLA Marbach)

Verstehen Verstehen. Sprache und Text

Nachwuchstagung der Exzellenzcluster-Initiative "Verstehen Verstehen", Universität Stuttgart, 15. Februar 2018

(Co-organised with Asrai Soos and Sandra Murr, both University of Stuttgart)